Transition planning is a process that should help ensure student happiness, success, and satisfaction after high school and onto further work, future education and adulthood.
Transition services must begin by the first IEP in effect when the student turns 16 years old. Transition planning should begin before the student is 14 years old. All students with disabilities should receive transition planning as part of their ARDC meeting. The student and his or her IEP team create a vision for the future, and then each year specific goals and services are identified to work toward that vision.
Transition planning at age 14 is critical because of high school diploma options and courses of study. Discussions need to occur in middle school prior to 9th grade to enable the student to access high school courses needed for graduation. When the ARDC team members discuss graduation options, they should refer to the graduation requirements for students with disabilities as outlined in the provisions of Texas Administration Code (TAC) 89.1070, as well as Texas assessment requirements.
Transition is a process that builds on itself each year, and goals evolve and change as the student gets older and gains new insights.
Secondary Transition Guidance
On this page, you will find information about transition from the school settings to post-school settings. This transition process should begin as early as possible but formally begins when a student with a disability turns 14 (19 TAC §89.1055(g)(1-9) and 34 CFR §300.320(b)).
Transition in Texas
A website for students, parents, educators, and agencies.
Transition Guide English