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Our Impact

A+ Charter Schools, Inc. : Our Impact

Led by Innovation. Strengthened by Tradition.

A+ Charter Schools were founded in 1998 with the purpose of providing a different educational choice for low-income and educationally underserved families in Southeast Dallas and Pleasant Grove.  By establishing public, tuition-free charter schools, the families in our community have been able to gain a significant amount of educational control, empowering them to demand more from educational institutions, and to seek out and be a part of a place that best serves their needs. The presence of our schools have also given residents of this community a strong partner in providing students with the tools to succeed beyond high school, as well as opportunities to express their creativity and intellectual curiosity in a safe and structured academic environment. 


A+ Charter Schools are heavily involved with the Kiwanis Club of Pleasant Grove, the Southeast Dallas Chamber, the Salvation Army, the Southeast Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and have partnered with the Dallas Police Department on several occasions. We serve as leaders on their boards, as volunteers, as hosts, and as problem solvers. We feel it is necessary to be involved with community organizations so that together we can make a greater positive impact.


A+ Charter Schools also have an important impact on the economy in North Texas. We currently employ over 400 people, and will continue to hire highly qualified teachers, leaders, and support staff as enrollment expansion demands.


A+ Charter Schools meet the needs of the community the most with the significant impact made on our students. We provide an individualized education that is rigorous, that balances innovation with traditional values, and is set in a safe, family-like environment, to fuel our mission of providing every child a well-rounded education, and a lifelong knowledge that will help them become successful self-sufficient adults. 

A+ Charter Schools, Inc. currently operates four open-enrollment, public charter schools on 5 campuses:

There are currently 2,800 students enrolled in grades K-12, with over 600 students on our waitlist.

Click on each campus below for more information

A+ academy

A+ Secondary



inspired information

inspired vision secondary



Inspired Vision Compassion Center: Facebook Page


IVCC distributes food to those in need, at no cost. It also supplies food to other nonprofits, who care for people. Clothing, furniture, household items, etc are distributed, when available.


The Grocery Clearance Center: Website

"A discount grocery store overflowing with name brand groceries, organic, all-natural and salt-, wheat- and gluten-free foods, fresh produce, frozen foods, refrigerated items, general merchandise, health and beauty aids . . .all at an average of fifty percent less than their cost at a conventional store. This is what The Grocery Clearance Center is all about."