At IVAS, we work hard to provide our students with a broad variety of learning opportunities and extracurricular experiences. We are proud to offer an Associate Degree Program, honors, AP, and dual credit courses. In addition, IVAS offers several career and technology certificate programs, fine arts programs, numerous competitive athletic teams, and a number of student clubs and organizations. IVAS is proud of its students, their accomplishments, and the contributions they continue to make as they use their education to serve others.
IVAS is a tuition-free public charter school, accredited by the Texas Education Agency, serving close to 600 students in grades 7-12
Billy Thompson: Principal
Lisa Campbell: Assistant Principal (MS: Grades 7-8)
Marquisha Boston: Assistant Principal (HS: Grades 9-12)
Cathleen Wilkerson: Counselor (Last name A-L)
John Walker: Counselor (Last name M-Z)
Nikki Foster-Anderson: Athletic Coordinator
Kevin Spurgin: Instructional Technology Specialist
Mona Jeffers: Executive Assistant
Sean Turner: Art and Fine Arts
McKenna Curlee: AVID (College and Career Readiness)
Susan Brown: CTE (Career and Technology Education)
TBD: ELAR and LOTE (English Language and Reading/Languages other than English)
TBD: ESL (English as a Second Language)
Leah Tharp: Math
Nikki Foster-Anderson: Physical Education and Athletics
Elizabeth Georgoulis: Science
Amy Curtis: Social Studies
Aweke Mulugeta: SPED (Special Education)