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Police Department- Campus Safety & Security Information

Campus Safety & Security Information


General Campus Safety and Security Information

In an emergency, it is crucial for parents to know where to access accurate information. A+ Charter Schools will promptly disseminate updates to parents and guardians through our communication system, ParentSquare, and/or via social media.

During a critical incident, our district is committed to providing timely and frequent updates to keep parents and families informed. Please refrain from rushing to the school. Wait for instructions from the school regarding how to safely pick up your student.

School Safety Resources 

The safety of students and staff is a top priority at A+ Charter Schools, Inc. We believe that parents, students, teachers, administrators, and support staff members all have roles in keeping our schools safe.


While we cannot share all the exact details of our security plans, we wanted to share a few measures already in place:

  • All schools have security, safety, and crisis plans in place. 
  • Campus crisis plans are within the scope of national best practices.  
  • All campuses have school resource officers as well as campus monitors. The officers handle all law enforcement matters that occur within the school. Officers act as mentors, mediators, teachers, police officers, friends, and confidants to the students. 
  • All exterior doors to all schools are kept locked.  
  • All classroom doors are kept locked during school hours. 
  • Video surveillance systems are in place to record activities in school hallways, common areas, and a lot of our exterior campus grounds.  
  • Dress codes and behavior codes are enforced. 
  • Mental Health services are available daily from school counselors.  Students are required to display their school-issued identification card on their outer clothing and be clearly visible while on campus.
  • All visitors are required to check into the main office. All visitors must display valid identification to office staff and it will be verified against the district’s visitor management system for access or pick-up approval. 
  • In the advent of a campus emergency the district will send out information via notification outlets such as telephone calls, email, text messages, or social media. The message will be timely and update parents and guardians on procedures on how and where to pick up their students.



The following are a few things we encourage visitors to do or not do while at school:

Things you should DO: 

  • Have a valid form of identification.
  • Check into the front office every time you visit.
  • Always wear your Visitor ID tag while on campus.
  • Report any suspicious activity.
  • Report anyone you see walking around campus without an A+ Employee badge or visitor badge to the front office.
  • Follow the campus emergency procedures and staff directions.
  • Talk to your children about personal safety and security.

Things NOT to do: 

  • DO NOT expect staff to allow you access without presenting valid identification at the front office every time you are on campus. Even if staff knows you, they are required to scan your identification card every time you arrive at school.
  • DO NOT allow anyone to piggyback into secured areas of our schools. Remember, safety first, it is not discourteous to refuse to violate security practices.
  • DO NOT encourage or ask students or staff to let you into secured areas of our schools.
  • DO NOT – prop doors open behind you.