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Federal Programs

Federal Programs


Our mission of the A+ Charter Schools Federal Programs Department is to provide an equitable and quality education for all students through federal and state grants.


The Department of Federal Programs ensures that Federal and State grants awarded to A+ Charter Schools, Inc. are expended in compliance with grant guidelines. It is also the department's responsibility to write grants, budget grant funds, and evaluate programs to determine their impact on student achievement and improvement of instructional programs.


Federal and State grants/programs

  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title I (including School Improvement and Effective Schools Framework grants), Title II, Title III, and Title IV

  • Title I, Parent and Family Engagement program

  • IDEA-B, IDEA Pre-K, Perkins, and ESSER

  • Other Federal and State grants - grants that are temporary and applied for as availability and need arises (such as the School Safety Standards grants, Learning Acceleration Supports Opportunities (LASO) grant and the Safety and Facilities Enhancement (SAFE) grant)

  • Tuition Reimbursement Program


The department works with other departments, principals and staff to ensure that grant funds are spent legally, and that all required documentation is met. In addition, A+ Charter Schools, Inc. receives more than $750,000 in federal grant funds and is subject to federal "single audit" provisions and procedures annually. These procedures are testing our use of grant funds to ensure that we are spending the funds in accordance with the requirements of the grant application.


 Federal Programs Contacts: 

Letty Bernal, Director of Federal Programs