All students are required to attend each school day in full uniform.
Uniforms are to be worn from the first day of school through the last.
• Navy blue pants
• Baggies/Sagging pants are not allowed
• Cargo pants are not allowed
• Pants are to be the proper size
• Belts are to be worn in belt loops. Brown or black belts only. No designs, studs, pictures or sequins
• Red, white, or blue polo shirts, with proper logo, are to be worn
• Shirts are to be worn tucked in
• Shoes are to be plain black, white or black and white dress shoes or plain black, white or black and white – type tennis shoes
• Plain white or black socks are to be worn
• Sandals/Crocs are not allowed
• Clogs or shoes without backs are not allowed
• Under shirts must be white only
The following is not allowed at any time: Nose rings, eyebrow rings, tongue rings, tattoos, decorations on teeth, body art or branding, or any type of body piercing
• Students in grade 3 and lower may wear blue knee length walking shorts
• All Students must have a standard, conservative hair style.
• No unnatural colors, designs or letters cut into the hair are allowed
• Hair must be clean and neatly groomed
• A+ Charter Schools Inc. Seniors only may wear approved beards and mustaches
• All uniforms must contain the official school logo on the tops
• Outerwear such as coats, jackets or sweaters must be black, navy, white, or red
• Outerwear is not required to have a school logo
• Hooded attire is not to be worn on the head inside of the building
• If worn, skirts must be approved plain blue or plaid skirts or jumpers
• (Skirts/jumpers that are too short to prevent modesty will not be allowed)
• Slits in the skirt may not go beyond the top of knee
• Make-up must be conservative and minimal
• Artificial or acrylic nails are not allowed. Natural, short, trimmed nails are acceptable
• Different color polish may be worn. Black is not an appropriate color
• Two small earrings (one in each ear), a watch, and one ring may be worn. No bracelets, necklaces or expensive jewelry are to be worn.
• Hats, scarves, bandanas, hair coverings, and sweat bands are not to be worn by students except under circumstances approved by the Principal
• Excessive hair ornaments are discouraged as they are/can be distracting
• Purses are not to be brought to school for students in grades PK, Kinder, 1st & 2nd