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Special Populations- Child Find

Child Find

It is the policy of A+ Charter Schools, Inc., open-enrollment charter school to ensure that all student with disabilities enrolled in the charter school or who contact the charter school regarding enrollment, regardless of the severity of their disability, and who are in need of special education and related services, are identified, located, and evaluated. (34 CFR §300.111)

Each child's individual need(s) will be addressed on an individualized basis by a team consisting of district/campus, parent(s) or guardian, a person who can interpret evaluation, teacher(s), and the student (if appropriate)/ The team will review evaluation information, discuss eligibility, identify area(s) of need for specialized instruction, including related services and develop a plan to fit the needs of the child. 

Enrolled Children: Referrals for special education evaluations may originate from the parent, guardians, and/or teachers.
For students who are enrolled in A+ Charter Schools: Parents should contact the appropriate grade-level campus where their child is enrolled.

Preschool-Aged Children: If a preschool-aged child is not enrolled in A+ Charter Schools, the parent/guardian should contact the Special Education Department at 214-275-1200

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